How to Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

The reality is, most prospects aren't in a position to purchase when they first interact with your brand. Since buying cycles vary between companies, sectors and products, lead nurturing plays a vital role in your digital ecosystem. Email marketing has proven to be among the most cost-effective and efficient methods of nurturing leads. If you want to implement an effective program of mail marketing, be sure that your company is using automated processes to the maximum extent that is. Applying best practices in email can improve your approach and will bring tangible results to your company. No matter what it is Constant Contact, Hubspot, Pardot or some other email marketing platform, segmenting and nurturing leads through email workflows can be a major factor for building relationships and moving prospects through the funnel. If you wish to get customers to buy from you, then you need to remain top of the minds of your customers by being to them several times.Segmenting your email lists allows you to develop targeted messaging for your audience personas. Marketers have seen a rise in revenue of 760% from the segmentation of campaigns. Through segmenting your campaigns you'll be able to attain high levels of personalization. How 5 How 3


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