Charlotte Church

Charlotte Church, a Welsh musician who was 12 at the time of the release of her first album "Voice of an Angel" She became a household name. She's a talented singer who has also acted in films and presented the show on television. From the age of three years old, she has been performing in public. She started out as an aspiring hymn-singer and later was able to sing "Pie Jesu" by phone for an upcoming TV show when she was eleven. The people were exposed to her by her performance on the "Big show for Big Talent". Charlotte was able to appear at the Royal Albert Hall and Cardiff Arms Park. Charlotte's talent was noticed as a result of Jonathan Shalit, one of UK's most successful entertainment impresarios He helped her to sign a contract in 1999 with Sony Music and became her manager. The year 1999 saw her debut album "Voice of an Angel" became an immediate hit. This made Charlotte the youngest artist to earn the top spot of. number one album on British charts of the classical crossover. She has seen her popularity increase over the last few years. She has been invited to sing in front of famous personalities including ex- US President Clinton, Prince Charles of Wales as well as Pope John Paul. Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte


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